Thursday, June 9, 2011


Enough, what an interesting word. An online dictionary defines enough as sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; as well as adequate. So when we attach a noun in front like old as in old enough, I guess we are saying that there is a sufficient or adequate amount of time or age passed or experience gained so that something else might take place; such as driving a car, or getting married, or vote, or consume alcohol. The fundamental flaw in this thinking is equating age and experience with maturity. We hope that we mature with age, and with age we get wiser and make better and smarter decisions. We also hope that we do grow wiser as we grow older, but I am not convinced that is the case. Psychologists will tell us that from a developmental standpoint, we do have the capacity to grow wiser with age. However I believe maturity is not automatic. The Bible does not talk about spiritual maturity being automatic-Paul talks about in all things growing up into him who is the head..Ephesians 4:15 and Peter talks about "growing up in your salvation." 1Peter 2:2

We often speak of life events particularly those which are dramatic or critical as real growth experiences. The death of a significant other can be such an event. The loss of a job, may be another. The birth of children still another. The collapse of a long marriage, still another. Any major event in our life can be a life changing growth moment. I was painfully reminded of the Israelites in the desert. They had gone through some very significant life changing events and yet they remained fundamentally flawed, unchanged, and continued making some very poor choices when they, "should have known better by now."

It seems old habits, old lifestyles, and old values are hard to break. A move towards maturity is a decision. It is a refusal to put our life on autopilot during those critical moments, and choosing to take a different path, and head in a new direction. This entails at least knowing there is an alternative, and that the alternative is a better path than the current road. Fortunately for us as followers of Jesus we aren't left without some resources. Here is where the scripture is helpful. Jesus casts a vision of the Kingdom of God and the ways of the kingdom for his followers. The Apostle Paul in Galatians list the fruit of the spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. The good news is that at any life point we can choose how we will respond that will either foster the growth of a particular fruit of the Spirit, or exhibit some way of the kingdom, or not.

The good news is that God will help us grow up into Him who is the head and God will help us grow up into our salvation. If we decide to...