The other day I went to record some Bible verse readings at a local Christian Radio station. After I had read several passage from the psalms I had a good lunch with some other local pastors. One of the pastors who is now preaching on the radio, shared that he now Packs Heat. He also shared about other people in his congregation; former military personnel and even some older women who pack heat as well.
I asked a simple question, Why? To which he responded, that since he has been preaching on the radio he has received some threatening emails and phone calls. Another pastor chimed in that he must be preaching the Word because when you preach the Word it stirs up people.
Since I am not receiving death threats I began to wonder whether I was preaching the Word. On the other had I began to wonder what Word he was preaching since theologically he was nowhere near center and left is not the direction I had in mind. Coupled with the fact that this is a conservative radio station and I live in Idaho, I wondered who he could be offending enough to get death threats?
Well enough of that aside. I sat silently after hearing that, knowing I really did not have the time to get into this with him, and I was surrounded by like minded pastors, which was equally disturbing.
But it did cause me to reflect. Had I said something, I would have followed up with a question; "Being a Bible believing card carrying conservative Christian, what Scriptural evidence do you have to justify carrying Heat-(code word for handgun)? I know some Bible commandos who might name the sword or slingshot carrying heroes in the Old Testament. But I not sure we are to imitate all of the cultural aspects of Old Testament characters.
Being a follower of Jesus, I do think the pastor would be hard pressed to find any New Testament proof for packing heat. Jesus did say that those who live by the sword die by the sword, which was not an endorsement to carry and use a weapon, but just the opposite. In other words, put the weapons away. I don't think that his society then was any less violent than ours today.
I know a handgun salesman would say two things, first it is his right to carry a handgun, particularly if he has filled out all the paperwork, and second he needs it for protection. My first response is just because he has the right doesn't make it right as a follower of Jesus. As far as protection goes, if the man is truly preaching the Word and being Prophetic, then you suffer the consequences. Martin Luther King was shot on a balcony. The Book of Hebrews has a whole list of people who were martyred. I don't see Stephen whipping his handgun when confronted about his preaching.
But on another note, if I were sitting in his congregation listening to his sermon, knowing that under his sport coat he had a handgun, how would I feel? What if I didn't agree with what he was saying and dared to say so, or heaven forbid started to fall asleep? I think I would be equally terrified knowing others out in the pews were packing heat. What if they really didn't like the sermon. Shoot Out at First Christian Heat Packing Church, would make an interesting headline.
A Christian packing heat is in an untenable ethical dilemma. At what point do you do you un-holster the gun? How threatening is threatening? Do I shoot first and ask questions later? Do I aim to kill or aim to maim? How do I make that decision in a split second? Unlike policemen and women who are drilled over and over again on making those types of decisions under those circumstances, most people packing heat haven't been through that kind of intensive training. I know if I am reactive enough to carry a gun, I am probably reactive enough to use it almost without thinking. Like the man with the sword that Jesus spoke against.
Which brings me back to the Jesus and handgun issue. The best way through an ethical dilemma is not to put yourself in one if you can help it.
1 comment:
I’m not familiar enough with the Bible, either Testament, to be able to cite where Jesus may be indicating that it is appropriate to e able to defend one’s self. However, I don’t look to the bible for many things. For example nowhere in the Bible is the Atkins diet, or the Beverly Hills diet or obama care mentioned.
I do believe that somewhere in the New Testament there are some writings about your body being a temple. Along with proper exercise and nutrition should one not also take care to defend the temple? And I believe that there are areas in the Bible that impress upon the man to provide and care for the family. Do I not bring home food, create shelter, provide education, ensure safety and security? Should I not also ensure that I am able and capable to defend those whom I am charged to protect?
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