Monday, September 28, 2009

Is God a Micro-manager?

Is God a micro-manager? As I engage the so-called new wave of Calvinists, or the New Calvinists, the question might be, Is God a micro-manipulator, planning and controlling things since before time and eternity? Does God really plot before time and eternity the suffering of innocent children? Does God yank an arm off here, a leg there, or infect an organ with cancer, just to see how we can handle it, or for people to be amazed at our adaptability, our faith, and moral courage?

In that classic text, "You meant it for evil but God meant it for good,"Genesis 50:20
Joseph sees the providential hand of God behind the evil done to him by his brothers and others along the way. The text has the look and feel of God being the micro-manipulator. In the end,his brothers did bow before him as the original dream predicted, and the vision was fulfilled in ways and means no one would have ever dreamed possible. However, in light of the entire story, had not Joseph maintained his faithfulness, it could have ended quite differently. The false accusation by Potiphar's wife landed him in jail where he could have been angry at God, and allowed a relational distance to increase. However, Joseph chose to engage God deeper, and his spiritual gifts;dreams and the interpretation of dreams continued and were developed for further future use.

It seems to me that there is a quantum difference between orchestrating evil for good ends, and being able to bring goods ends out of undesired, unplanned, and unintended evil circumstances. The theological word for this is not providence or sovereignty, but redemption. In my personal life it goes by another name, hope.

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